Starting a local e-commerce store with Local Line is easy! Here's how you can get started in just a few steps:
Sign Up for a Free Trial: Begin by registering for our
free 7-day trial. This gives you immediate access to our platform and its features.
Add Your Products: Easily upload your product range, including details such as descriptions, pricing, and images.
Set Up Payment Options: Choose and configure the payment methods that work best for your business and customers.
Configure Fulfillment Options: Organize your shipping, delivery, or pickup options to ensure a smooth process for fulfilling orders.
Create Unique
Price Lists: Tailor your pricing for different customer segments, whether for retail or wholesale.
Open Your Storefront: Once everything is set, launch your online store and start selling!
For a detailed guide, watch our instructional video on
how to launch an online e-commerce store with Local Line. This resource will provide you with a step-by-step guide to get up and running in no time!