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Mitch Hinrichs Local Line


Mitch Hinrichs

Mitch helps farms, food brands, and agtech businesses use digital marketing to accelerate their missions. He's worked on regenerative farms and seasonally helps on his family's farm in Nebraska.
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Farmer typing on laptop

How E-Commerce Drives Profit for Regenerative Farms & Ranches

Farms and ranches practicing regenerative agriculture are profitable, but in tandem with e-commerce, the sky is truly the limit!
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
August 9, 2024
5 min read
Regenerative Agriculture Marketing Tips to Boost Farm Sales

Regenerative Agriculture Marketing Tips to Boost Farm Sales

Boost farm sales with regenerative agriculture marketing. Learn about certifications, brand storytelling, and customer education to align with consumer values.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
July 15, 2024
5 min read
Farmers with sheeps

Profitable E-commerce Business Models for Farms & Ranches

Selling online is the biggest opportunity for farms and ranches. Learn about the types of farm e-commerce business models and which one is right for you!
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
July 11, 2024
7 min read
Man on cellphone working on a farm

4 E-commerce Marketing Trends for Farms in 2024

Here's the latest farm and agriculture e-commerce marketing trends, plus tips and secrets to help direct-to-consumer farms boost online farm sales in 2024.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
July 9, 2024
7 min read
Farmer on her phone

How to Optimize Your Instagram Profile to Get More Farm Sales

Are you doing all the right things but not seeing results on Instagram? The missing link may be tidying up your profile page to attract more customers.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
July 5, 2024
4 min read
Farmer holding chicken

How Farms Can Combine Education and Storytelling into Their Marketing

Build trust and deepen customer connections by combining education and storytelling into your farm marketing strategy and content creation.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
July 1, 2024
5 min read
cow and calf grazing

The 5-Step Marketing Funnel for Farms & Ranches

Before a customer becomes loyal, they go through the five steps of the marketing funnel. Here's how to apply this to your farm marketing strategy.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
June 24, 2024
5 min read
Farm field

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Learn what regenerative agriculture is all about–the principles, the outcomes, and the economic benefits of this emerging approach to farming.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
June 17, 2024
5 min read
Farmer holding a wooden box with fresh organic vegetables

What Farm Business Model Should I Choose?

The business of farming comes in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique advantages and challenges.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
June 7, 2024
9 min read
Farmer working on laptop in garden

4 Design Mistakes to Avoid on Your Farm’s Website

Avoid these four design mistakes to ensure your website converts visitors into farm sales.
Mitch Hinrichs Local Line
Mitch Hinrichs
May 31, 2024
4 min read
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